home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- umask 0022
- export PATH='/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
- # Defaults
- keep="n"
- CONFDIR="/etc/initramfs-tools"
- verbose="n"
- errors_to="2>/dev/null"
- BUSYBOXDIR="/usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/"
- # BUSYBOXDIR="/bin"
- OPTIONS=`getopt -o d:ko:r:v --long supported-host-version:,supported-target-version: -n "$0" -- "$@"`
- # Check for non-GNU getopt
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
- eval set -- "$OPTIONS"
- while true; do
- case "$1" in
- -d)
- CONFDIR="$2"
- shift 2
- if [ ! -d "${CONFDIR}" ]; then
- echo "${0}: ${CONFDIR}: Not a directory" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -o)
- outfile="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- -k)
- keep="y"
- shift
- ;;
- -r)
- ROOT="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- -v)
- verbose="y"
- shift
- ;;
- --supported-host-version)
- supported_host_version="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- --supported-target-version)
- supported_target_version="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Internal error!" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # FIXME: remove after Lenny (needed for Etch linux-images)
- if [ -n "$supported_host_version" ] || [ -n "$supported_target_version" ]; then
- if [ -n "$supported_host_version" ]; then
- host_upstream_version="${supported_host_version%%-*}"
- fi
- if [ -n "$supported_target_version" ]; then
- target_upstream_version="${supported_target_version%%-*}"
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$target_upstream_version" lt "2.6.12"; then
- exit 2
- fi
- fi
- echo "Depreciation warning: use ramdisk=mkinitramfs-kpkg."
- exit 0
- fi
- # For dependency ordered mkinitramfs hook scripts.
- . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions
- . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
- . "${CONFDIR}/initramfs.conf"
- for i in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/* ${CONFDIR}/conf.d/*; do
- EXTRA_CONF="${EXTRA_CONF} $(basename $i \
- | grep '^[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]\._-]*$' | grep -v '\.dpkg-.*$')";
- done
- # FIXME: deprecated those settings on mkinitramfs run
- # these conf dirs are for boot scripts and land on initramfs
- for i in ${EXTRA_CONF}; do
- if [ -e ${CONFDIR}/conf.d/${i} ]; then
- . ${CONFDIR}/conf.d/${i}
- elif [ -e /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/${i} ]; then
- . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/${i}
- fi
- done
- # source package confs
- for i in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/*; do
- if [ -e "${i}" ]; then
- . "${i}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "${UMASK}" ]; then
- umask "${UMASK}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${outfile}" ]; then
- usage
- fi
- touch "$outfile"
- outfile="$(readlink -f "$outfile")"
- # And by "version" we really mean path to kernel modules
- # This is braindead, and exists to preserve the interface with mkinitrd
- if [ ${#} -ne 1 ]; then
- version="$(uname -r)"
- else
- version="${1}"
- fi
- # Check that we're using a new enough kernel version, first for ourselves,
- # then for each of the hooks, which can have a MINKVER variable defined
- check_minkver ${version}
- check_minkver ${version} /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks
- check_minkver ${version} ${CONFDIR}/hooks
- case "${version}" in
- /lib/modules/*/[!/]*)
- ;;
- /lib/modules/[!/]*)
- version="${version#/lib/modules/}"
- version="${version%%/*}"
- ;;
- esac
- case "${version}" in
- */*)
- echo "$PROG: ${version} is not a valid kernel version" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -d "${outfile}" ]; then
- echo "${outfile} is a directory"
- exit 1
- fi
- MODULESDIR="/lib/modules/${version}"
- if [ ! -e "${MODULESDIR}" ]; then
- echo "Cannot find ${MODULESDIR}"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -e "${MODULESDIR}/modules.dep" ]; then
- depmod ${version}
- fi
- DESTDIR="$(mktemp -t -d mkinitramfs_XXXXXX)" || exit 1
- chmod 755 "${DESTDIR}"
- __TMPCPIOGZ="$(mktemp -t mkinitramfs-OL_XXXXXX)" || exit 1
- DPKG_ARCH=`dpkg --print-architecture`
- # Export environment for hook scripts.
- #
- export version
- export CONFDIR
- export DESTDIR
- export DPKG_ARCH
- export verbose
- export KEYMAP
- export MODULES
- # Private, used by 'catenate_cpiogz'.
- export __TMPCPIOGZ
- for d in bin conf/conf.d etc lib/modules sbin scripts ${MODULESDIR}; do
- mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/${d}"
- done
- # Copy the modules.order file in
- if [ -f "${MODULESDIR}/modules.order" ]; then
- cp -p "${MODULESDIR}/modules.order" \
- "${DESTDIR}${MODULESDIR}/modules.order"
- fi
- # MODULES=list case. Always honour.
- for x in "${CONFDIR}/modules" /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules.d/*; do
- if [ -f "${x}" ]; then
- add_modules_from_file "${x}"
- fi
- done
- # MODULES=most is default
- case "${MODULES}" in
- dep)
- dep_add_modules
- ;;
- most)
- auto_add_modules
- ;;
- netboot)
- auto_add_modules base
- auto_add_modules net
- ;;
- list)
- # nothing to add
- ;;
- *)
- echo "mkinitramfs: Warning unsupported MODULES setting: ${MODULES}."
- echo "mkinitramfs: Falling back to MODULES=most."
- auto_add_modules
- ;;
- esac
- # Have to do each file, because cpio --dereference doesn't recurse down
- # symlinks.
- # klibc
- ln -s /usr/lib/klibc/bin/* ${DESTDIR}/bin
- ln -s /lib/klibc-*.so ${DESTDIR}/lib
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/kinit* ${DESTDIR}/bin/gzip
- copy_exec /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init /init
- # add existant boot scripts
- for b in $(cd /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/ && find . \
- -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*/[[:alnum:]_]+$' -type f); do
- option=$(sed '/^OPTION=/!d;$d;s/^OPTION=//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/${b}")
- [ -z "${option}" ] || eval test -n \"\${$option}\" -a \"\${$option}\" != \"n\" || continue
- [ -d "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")" ] \
- || mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")"
- cp -p "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/${b}" \
- "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")/"
- done
- for b in $(cd "${CONFDIR}/scripts" && find . \
- -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*/[[:alnum:]_]+$' -type f); do
- option=$(sed '/^OPTION=/!d;$d;s/^OPTION=//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' "${CONFDIR}/scripts/${b}")
- [ -z "${option}" ] || eval test -n \"\${$option}\" -a \"\${$option}\" != \"n\" || continue
- [ -d "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")" ] \
- || mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")"
- cp -p "${CONFDIR}/scripts/${b}" "${DESTDIR}/scripts/$(dirname "${b}")/"
- done
- echo "DPKG_ARCH=${DPKG_ARCH}" > ${DESTDIR}/conf/arch.conf
- echo "PAGE_SIZE=$(getconf PAGESIZE)" > ${DESTDIR}/conf/page_size.conf
- copy_exec "${CONFDIR}/initramfs.conf" /conf
- for i in ${EXTRA_CONF}; do
- if [ -e "${CONFDIR}/conf.d/${i}" ]; then
- copy_exec "${CONFDIR}/conf.d/${i}" /conf/conf.d
- elif [ -e "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/${i}" ]; then
- copy_exec "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/${i}" /conf/conf.d
- fi
- done
- # ROOT hardcoding
- if [ -n "${ROOT}" ]; then
- echo "ROOT=${ROOT}" > ${DESTDIR}/conf/conf.d/root
- fi
- # Busybox
- if [ "${BUSYBOX}" = "n" ] || [ ! -e ${BUSYBOXDIR}/busybox ]; then
- mv ${DESTDIR}/bin/sh.shared ${DESTDIR}/bin/sh
- # those root need busybox
- eval "$(mount | awk '/ \/ / {print "r_dev=" $1; exit}')"
- if [ "${r_dev#/dev/mapper/}" != "${r_dev}" ] \
- || [ "${r_dev#/dev/md}" != "${r_dev}" ]; then
- echo "Warning: Busybox is required for successful boot!"
- fi
- else
- # Busybox is configured to prefer its own applets, so remove
- # duplication from klibc.
- for cmd in `${BUSYBOXDIR}/busybox | sed -n '/functions:$/,$p' \
- | tail -n +2 \
- | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*//g; s/,$//; s/,/\n/g; /busybox/d'`; do
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/${cmd}
- done
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/sh
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/busybox
- copy_exec ${BUSYBOXDIR}/busybox /bin/busybox
- ln -s ${BUSYBOXDIR}/busybox ${DESTDIR}/bin/sh
- # klibc's version is just wrong; patch sent upstream by maks
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/chroot
- # klibc's version can't display mounts, which casper needs; fuse
- # needs /bin/mount to exist, so add a symlink
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/mount
- ln -s busybox ${DESTDIR}/bin/mount
- # ... but some scripts expect /bin/sleep to exist. Boo.
- ln -s busybox ${DESTDIR}/bin/sleep
- # Useless
- for cmd in minips nuke sh.shared; do
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}/bin/${cmd}
- done
- fi
- # Modutils
- copy_exec /sbin/modprobe /sbin
- copy_exec /sbin/depmod /sbin
- copy_exec /sbin/rmmod /sbin
- mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/etc/modprobe.d"
- cp -a /etc/modprobe.d/* "${DESTDIR}/etc/modprobe.d/"
- # util-linux
- copy_exec /sbin/blkid /sbin
- # workaround: libgcc always needed on old-abi arm
- if [ "$DPKG_ARCH" = arm ] || [ "$DPKG_ARCH" = armeb ]; then
- cp -a /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 "${DESTDIR}/lib/"
- fi
- run_scripts /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks optional
- run_scripts "${CONFDIR}"/hooks optional
- # Apply DSDT to initramfs
- if [ -e "${CONFDIR}/DSDT.aml" ]; then
- copy_exec "${CONFDIR}/DSDT.aml" /
- fi
- [ "${verbose}" = y ] && echo "Building cpio ${outfile} initramfs"
- (
- # work around lack of "set -o pipefail" for the following pipe:
- # cd "${DESTDIR}" && find . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | gzip >"${outfile}"
- exec 3>&1
- eval `
- # http://cfaj.freeshell.org/shell/cus-faq-2.html
- exec 4>&1 >&3 3>&-
- cd "${DESTDIR}"
- {
- find . 4>&-; echo "ec1=$?;" >&4
- } | {
- cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc 4>&-; echo "ec2=$?;" >&4
- } | gzip >"${outfile}"
- echo "ec3=$?;" >&4
- `
- if [ "$ec1" -ne 0 ]; then exit "$ec1"; fi
- if [ "$ec2" -ne 0 ]; then exit "$ec2"; fi
- if [ "$ec3" -ne 0 ]; then exit "$ec3"; fi
- ) || exit 1
- if [ -s "${__TMPCPIOGZ}" ]; then
- cat "${__TMPCPIOGZ}" >>"${outfile}" || exit 1
- fi
- if [ "${keep}" = "y" ]; then
- echo "Working files in ${DESTDIR} and overlay in ${__TMPCPIOGZ}"
- else
- rm -rf "${DESTDIR}"
- rm -rf "${__TMPCPIOGZ}"
- fi
- exit 0